Tech Career Fair

A career fair aimed towards tech interested students at Stockholm Business School

Interested in exhibiting?

Tech Career Fair

A career fair aimed towards tech interested students at Stockholm Business School

Interested in exhibiting?

Tech Career Fair is the largest tech project of Föreningen Ekonomerna intended for all students at Stockholm Business School.

The fair is issued by the Tech Committee and will be held for the second time. Our aim is to connect business students with the tech industry. Be part of our journey by joining our fair on the 11th of April 2024!


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Find out more and secure a spot for your company below:

Find out more and secure a spot for your company below:

Exhibiting companies 2024:

Recruitment open!

We are recruiting a Logistic Manager and a Marketing Manager for our Tech Career Fair Project Group. Applications close the 19th of January. Don´t miss out!​

Meet the team!

Linda Hofsö

Project Leader

Fanny Dorothea Ulrich

Project Leader

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 18.11.20

Ester Cheong

Corporate Manager

Gustav Buset

Corporate Manager

Martin Liffner

Corporate Manager

Isak Burak

Logistics Manager

Asta Leinonen Sik

Marketing Manager

Linda Hofsö

Project Leader

Fanny Dorothea Ulrich

Project Leader

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 18.11.20

Ester Cheong

Corporate Manager

Gustav Buset

Corporate Manager

Martin Liffner

Corporate Manager

Isak Burak

Logistics Manager

Asta Leinonen Sik

Marketing Manager