The Secret to Success.

The Ministry of Marshals

Elections to The Ministry of Marshals occurs when an existing Marshal makes their chair available. The criteria for being elected are strictly confidential but every election is subsequently justified to the Board of Föreningen Ekonomerna. 

Criterias for Joining

A broad and long commitment to the association.

An ability to joyfully spread the association’s traditions.

A deep knowledge of the history of the association.

An ability to carry yourself and be a good representative of the association and the board.

A willingness to even after the completed commitments in the association to take the time to work for the association’s best


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Ten Chairs

Chair I Vacant

Chair II Alexandre Goubaud

Chair III Vacant

Chair IV Daniel Genborn

Chair V Jonathan Holmström

Chair VI Vlada Borets

Chair VII Klara Ljunggren

Chair VIII Vacant

Chair IX Frida Sjöberg – Lady Marshal

Chair X Simon Shafiee

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The Ministry is also responsible for handing out medals to the members of Föreningen Ekonomerna who have distinguished themselves in various ways. The Ministry of Marshals gladly receives nominations for medals as well as proposals for new marshals.

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One of the Ministry of Marshals’ ceremonial duties is to hand out medals and awards to those members of the Association who have done something noteworthy during the semester. This ceremony takes place during Ångbåten (and Hjulmiddagen during the fall semester) and is the main way in how the association can show their appreciation of the effort our members put into their events, committees, and the association in general.


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