Summon to Association Meeting #2 2023/2024
This is a summon to the Second Ordinary Association Meeting 2023/2024, on Sunday, the 7th of April 2023, from 14:00 until Monday, the 8th of April 23:59. This meeting will be held at Albano campus, Auditorium 1, House 1, Floor 2.
Agenda & Supporting Documents for the First Ordinary Association Meeting 2023/2024
Hi! Attached is the agenda with attachments in English for the First Association Meeting 2023/2024, Sunday, October 15, from 12:00 until 18:00. This meeting will be held at Campus Albano, Auditorium 3, House 2, Floor 3. Warm welcome!
Summon to the First Ordinary Association Meeting 2023/2024
This is a summon to the First Ordinary Association Meeting 2023/2024, on Sunday the 15th of October 2023, at 12:00-18:00. This meeting will be held at Albano campus, Auditorium 3, House 2, Floor 3.
Potential motions shall be in possession of the Board at least two weeks before the meeting, on Sunday the 1st of October 2023. Send your motions by email to and write “Motion Föreningsmöte #1” in the subject line.
The agenda will be made available on the website one week before the Association Meeting, on Sunday, the 8th of October.
In order to be able to vote at the meeting, your membership fee has to be in our account at least two weeks before the meeting, on Sunday, the 1st of October 2023.
Project Leader for Ekonomernas Dagar 2023
We are now looking for a Project Leader for Ekonomernas Dagar 2023. Take this opportunity to be a Project Leader for Föreningen Ekonomernas biggest project. If you have any questions regarding the election process or the position, contact the Election Committee at
Summon to Association Meeting #3 2022-2023
This is a summon to the Third Ordinary Association Meeting 2022/2023, on Monday, the 15th of May 2023, from 17:00 until Tuesday, the 16th of May 22:00.
Election for Generals for Fadderiet SS23
Fadderiet is an independent project and the mission is to create welcoming weeks for the new students at SBS, Nek and SU. Last day to apply 23/10 Click here to apply
Agenda and Supporting documents for AM#1 2022/2023
Hej! Bifogat finns föredragningslistan med bilagor till första ordinarie Föreningsmöte 2022-2023, söndagen den 2:a oktober, kl.10:00-18:00, Nya Albano Campus, Hörsal 4, Plan 2 Varmt välkomna! ——————————————————————————————————————– Hi! Attached is the agenda with attachments in English for the first annual Association Meeting 2022-2023, Sunday the 2nd of October, 10.00-18.00, New Albano Campus, Auditorium 4, Floor 2 […]
Summon to Association Meeting #1 2022-2023
This is a summon to the First Ordinary Association Meeting 2022/2023, on Sunday, the 2nd of October 2022, from 10:00-18:00. This meeting will be held at Albano campus, Auditorium 4, House 2, Floor 2. Potential motions shall be in possession of the Board at least two weeks before the meeting, on Sunday, the 18th of […]