Student Rights & Health

Your Rights as a Student

Hanna Eriksson Gysell

Head of Education

The Head of Education represents all Stockholm Business School students within the institution in relation to educational and study surveillance matters. Since she is part of the education pillar and acts as the student welfare representative, you can contact her for any concerns or questions regarding education, health or the study and environmental related matters. She is also the contact person for the Education Committee.

Contacts at Stockholm Business School

You are very welcome to contact the Academic Advisors if you have questions about courses, grades, examination, applications, prerequisites, selections, admission, roll-calls or credit transfers. The Academic Advirors aim to empower you as students to make well-founded decisions concerning studies and career choices. They must observe professional secrecy.

The Teaching Assistants can help you if there is anything you do not understand in the courses you take at Stockholm Business School. They can assist you with general study issues and they also receive applications for reassessment (all courses in Business Administration and Advertising and PR).

The course coordinators work with administration of the department’s courses in Athena, Ladok and SISU. They answer questions about:

  • Registration for seminar groups for re-registered students (see the schedule when it’s time).
  • Disruption of studies (always report if you are not going to complete a course, done through My studies).
  • Grading reports (for grades submitted by the examiner to us, but no earlier than three weeks after the examination date. You will find your grade in Ladok when it is ready).
  • Certificate that requires stamp and signature (usually only foreign universities and for alumni who do not have an active student account).
  • Re-registration.
  • Thesis administration.

The Director of Studies coordinates education related issues. That includes the admission of students, the planning of the courses to be given, how our programs should be designed, what is in the curricula and content in the study guide.

International Coordinator administrates international student agreements, and provides services to exchange students who are applying to Stockholm Business School.

Student Health

If you are in need of counselling ling, help with mental health or a lifestyle consultation, be sure to visit Stockholm Student Health Services website. There you can find more information and easily book an appointment to get the help you need.

External Resources for Student Health

The following resources are unfortunately only available in Swedish, require fluency in Swedish, or are only available to people with Swedish Bank-ID:

Magdalena Zadroga


The President shall serve as an advocate for student health, and work to develop procedures that promote the mental, and emotional health of students.